
This unique series, consisting of eight picture books, will offer readable text with vivid pictures and realistic, memorable characters. These books are sure to become favorites, as children will request to experience the joys of reading them over and over again.


This unique series, consisting of eight picture books, will offer readable text with vivid pictures and realistic, memorable characters. These books are sure to become favorites, as children will request to experience the joys of reading them over and over again. This series is sure to start a wave of enthusiasm amongst educators who want to provide young readers with exciting reading material that promotes positive attitudes and character traits. Another unique factor about this series is that it is attractive not only to educators, but also service leaders, and non-profits as they continue to help address important issues with youth. These issues range from self-esteem, peace/non-violence, goal setting, duty, diversity, perseverance, equity, and many others.


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